An Exhibition by ND Chow – Poké featuring Haruka Ayase


Exhibition Date : 14 Feb to 18 March
Venue : Lumix Ginza Gallery

本展は、カメラブランドLumixとのコラボレーション企画による写真家アンディ チャオの最新の写真展であり、昨春ハワイにおいて「オンプレンネール」(屋外制作)にて撮影された女優綾瀬はるかさんの新シリーズとなる。ここ数年、仕事と併行し大学院での研究に時間を費やし、先日シンガポールのラサール・カレッジ・オブ・アーツ(Lasalle College of the Arts)から美術修士号を授与されたアンディは、気取らない日常を切り取る試みを加速させ、普段目にすることのないセレブリティの素顔に深く切り込むことを追及した。

In collaboration with Lumix cameras, ND Chow presents his new exhibition — Leave Only Footprints — a new series of works with Japanese actress Haruka Ayase, taken en plein air in Hawaii last spring. Having recently been conferred his Master of Fine Arts from Lasalle College of the Arts, Singapore, ND furthers his examination of candid, informal shots, which offer the viewer an insight into life behind the curtain of celebrity. The current oeuvre is a cumulation of ND’s extensive experience as a professional photographer and his recent fine-art studies. These portraits provide a rare glimpse into the spontaneous vitality of Ms. Ayase, and the mundane pleasures that provide her refuge from the incessant gaze of modern popular culture. Through his collaboration with the celebrated actress, ND furthers the conversation with his audience concerning the role art plays in the social media age and how it has a responsibility to engage with popular culture and industry in ways that contribute positively towards discussions of agency and identity. ND would like to thank Lumix cameras, Ms. Ayase and other contributors for their support in bringing this project to its fruition.